I am pleased to say that I have managed to add a few new features to my website! It took a while mainly because of mild incompetence on my behalf but I now have a GALLERY page with a some promo shots and a few photos taken at gigs over the last couple of years… most of which highlight a slightly weird “Piano/Singing Face” I apparently make which is seemingly pretty consistent throughout the live pictures.
Didn’t realise I did that… 😀
I have also added some new videos to the MUSIC page which are taken from recent gigs. Including this video from the very fabulous Todmorden Folk Festival 2016.
“Her Bright Smile Haunts Me Still”
This song is on my new album “Poor Strange Girl” which is to be released in June 2016.
Don’t forget to check out my “Alice Jones Music” Facebook page for regular updates and events info. Also watch out for extra special CD Launch Concert details to be announced very soon!
For those of you that already have your copy of “Poor Strange Girl” you will now find that the secret page containing more in-depth information about the songs and tunes featured on the album is now up and running. There are lyrics, tune notation and extra sleeve notes for those of you that have the URL. To access this page you will need to type the address provided on the CD sleeve into your address bar. Please do let me know if you experience any problems with accessing it: alicejonesmusic@btinternet.com.
Hope everyone has a fabulous May Day Weekend!